Pubblicazioni scientifiche 2011

Balmelli, C., Steiner, E., Moulin, H., Peduto, N., Herrmann, B., Summerfield, A., McCullough, K.: Porcine circovirus type 2 DNA influences cytoskeleton rearrangements in plasmacytoid and monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Immunology 132 (1), 57-65, 2011.

Bel, M., Ocaña-Macchi, M., Liniger, M., McCullough, K.C., Matrosovich, M., Summerfield, A.: Efficient sensing of avian influenza viruses by porcine plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Viruses, 3, 312-330, 2011.

Berger Rentsch, M., Zimmer, G.: A vesicular stomatitis virus replicon-based bioassay for the rapid and sensitive determination of multi-species type I interferon. PLoS ONE 6 (10), e25858, 2011.

Cox, RJ, Pedersen, G, Madhun, AS, Svindland, S, Saevik, M, Breakwell, L, Hoschler, K, Willemsen, M, Campitelli, L, Nostbakken, JK, Weverling, GJ, Klap, J, McCullough, KC, Zambon, M, Kompier, R, Sjursen, H.: Evaluation of a virosomal H5N1 vaccine formulated with Matrix Mª adjuvant in a phase I clinical trial. Vaccine, 29, 8049-8059, 2011.

Debache, K., Kropf, C., Schütz, C.A., Harwood, L.J., Käuper, P., Monney, T., Rossi, N., Laue, C., McCullough K.C., Hemphill, A.: Vaccination of mice with chitosan nanogel-associated recombinant NcPDI against challenge infection with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasite Immunology, 33, 81-94, 2011.

Eymann-Häni, R., Leifer, I., McCullough, K.C., Summerfield, A., Ruggli, N.: Propagation of classical swine fever virus in vitro circumventing heparan sulfate-adaptation. Journal of Virological Methods, 176, 85-95, 2011.

Fiebach, A.R., Guzylack-Piriou, L., Python, S., Summerfield, A., Ruggli, N.: Classical swine fever virus Npro limits type I interferon induction in plasmacytoid dendritic cells by interacting with interferon regulatory factor 7. Journal of Virology, 85 (16), 8002-8011, 2011.

Frentzen, A., Hüging, K., Bitzegeio, J., Friesland, M., Haid, S., Gentzsch, J., Hoffmann, M., Lindemann, D., Zimmer, G., Zielecki, F., Weber, F., Steinmann, E., Pietschmann, T.:
Completion of hepatitis C virus replication cycle in heterokaryons excludes dominant restrictions in human non-liver and mouse liver cell lines. Plos Pathogens, 7 (4), 1-15, 2011.

Golde, W.T., de Los Santos, T., Robinson, L., Grubman, M.J., Sevilla, N., Summerfield, A., Charleston, B.: Evidence of activation and suppression during the early immune response to foot-and-mouth disease virus. Transboundary and Emerging Disease, 58(4), 283-290, 2011.

Hüsser, L., Alves, M.P., Ruggli, N., Summerfield, A.: Identification of the role of RIG-I, MDA-5 and TLR3 in sensing RNA viruses in porcine epithelial cells using lentivirus-driven RNA interference. Virus Research, 159 (1), 9-16, 2011.

Midtlyng. P.J., Hendriksen. C., Balks, E., Bruckner, L., Elsken, L., Evensen, O., Fyrand, K., Guy, A., Halder, M., Hawkins, P., Kisen, G., Romstad, A.-B., Salonius, K., Smith, P., Sneddon, L.U.: Three Rs approaches in the production and quality control of fish vaccines. Biologicals, 39 (2), 117, 2011.

Moulin, H.R., Liniger, M., Python, S., Guzylack-Piriou, L., Ocaña-Macchi, M., Ruggli, N., Summerfield, A.: High interferon type I responses in the lung, plasma and spleen during highly pathogenic H5N1 infection of chicken. Veterinary Research, 42 (1), 6, 2011.

Muik, A., Kneiske, I., Werbizki, M., Wilflingseder, D., Giroglou, T., Ebert, O., Kraft, A., Dietrich, U., Zimmer, G., Momma, S., von Laer, D.: Pseudotyping vesicular stomatitis virus with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoproteins enhances infectivity for glioma cells and minimizes neurotropism. Journal of Virology, 85 (11), 5679-5684, 2011.

Pauli, U., Kündig, M., Haldemann, F., Summermatter, K.: Installation of BSL-3 laboratories and ABSL-3 animal experimentation rooms in a preexisting BSL-3Ag facility: design, implementation, validation, time requirements, and costs. Applied Biosafety, 16 (2), 103-111, 2011.

Penski, N., Haertle, S., Rubbenstroth, D., Krohmann, C., Ruggli, N., Schusser, B., Pfann, M., Reuter, A., Gohrbandt S, Hundt, J., Veits, J., Breithaupt, A., Kochs, G., Stech, J., Summerfield, A., Vahlenkamp, T., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P.: Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses do not inhibit interferon synthesis in infected chickens but can override the interferon-induced antiviral state. Journal of Virology, 85 (15), 7730-7741, 2011.

Planzer, J., Kaufmann, C., Worwa, G., Gavier-Widén, D., Hofmann, M.A., Chaignat, V., Thür B.: In vivo and in vitro propagation and transmission of Toggenburg orbivirus. Research in Veterinary Science, 91, e163-e168, 2011.

Suter, R., Summerfield, A., Thomann-Harwood, L.J., McCullough, KC., Tratschin, J-D., Ruggli, N.: Immunogenic and replicative properties of classical swine fever virus replicon particles modified to induce IFN-α/β and carry foreign genes. Vaccine 29, 1491-1503, 2011.

Suter, R.
Classical swine fever virus replicon particles: A versatile and robust system for vaccine and gene expression applications.
PhD Thesis, Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern

Wu, N., Abril, C., Hinic, V., Brodard, I., Thür, B., Fattebert, J., Hüssy, D., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.P.: Free-ranging wild boar: a disease threat to domestic pigs in Switzerland? Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47, 868-879, 2011.